Course Outline/Table of Contents
Lecture 1: Passive components
“Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 2: More passive components and simple networks
“Voltage dividers, Attenuators, RC Notch, Wien Bridge, Magic T-Coil, LC Impedance-match Network”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 2.5: Discussion
“Details of Notch Filters, Resonant EOM Driver, Power Splitters and Couplers” Youtube recording.
Lecture 3: Transformers, ground loops, and nodal analysis
“Using Transformers to Reduce Noise, Ground Loops, Nodal Analysis, Mesh Analysis”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 4: Diodes
“Ordinary, Varactor, Schottky, Step Recovery, PIN, Zener, Tunnel (Esaki), Backward, Gunn Element, Photodiode”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 4.5: Discussion
“Fun Circuits with Diodes: Tunnel Diode Trigger, Parametric Amplifier, Diodes as Sensors, Peak Detectors”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 5: Transistors
Lecture 6: Transistors and Op-amps
Lecture 7: Finishing transistors
Lecture 8: Op amp specs
Lecture 9: Op amp circuits
Lecture 10: EO drivers, real world circuit
Lecture 11.5: High voltage
“High Voltage Circuits and Effective Cabling”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 13: Low power photodetectors
“Photodetection and Optical Shot Noise Limit”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 13.5: Photodetection circuit design specifics
“Photodetection circuit design specifics”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 14: More photodetection
“Improving noise and speed, Differential Photodetection, Fast Photodetection”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 15: Feedback Circuits, Servo Loops, PID Circuits
“Feedback Circuits, Servo Loops, PID Circuits”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 15.5: Details of Feedback Circuit Design
“Details of Feedback Circuit Design”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 16: Phase lock loops
“Phase lock loops”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 16.5: Details about the Phase Locked Loop
“Details about the Phase Locked Loop, like phase detectors”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 17: Comparing phase detectors
“Comparing phase detectors; high-speed PLL; auto-locking lockbox”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 18: Pound-Drever-Hall frequency stabilization
“Pound-Drever-Hall frequency stabilization”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 19: Pound Drever Hall in practice
“Pound Drever Hall in practice, RF circuits”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 20: RF impedance matching
“RF impedance matching; transmission line transformers; mixers”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 20.5: Mixer applications
“Mixer applications; Multipliers; Gilbert cell”
Youtube recording.
Lecture 21: Fancy mixer applications
“Fancy mixer applications”
Youtube recording.